Community Activities

‘At the heart of the community’

St Catherine’s Church Centre is a vibrant and busy community centre which is committed to supporting families, young people and adults of all ages to learn new skills, improve their health and wellbeing and develop the confidence to achieve their goals and transform their lives. At the core of the Centre’s thinking is our belief in people and their capacity to achieve amazing things.

Community Pantry
Thirteen million people are living below the poverty line in the UK today.  Many of those people are going hungry every day for a range of reasons, from benefit delays to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income.

St Catherine’s runs a community pantry offering membership for individuals and families on low income.  The pantry operates on Tuesday and Friday each week from 9.30am - 12.30pm.  Members can access our 'shop' and choose a range of food and household items.  We estimate that the value of a weekly shop with us is around £40 - £45. 

Our pantry relies almost totally on donations from the public and these are vital in ensuring our ability to give everyone using our service a balanced and nutritious supply of food.

If you would like to donate food for distribution, our Shopping List is:
- Sugar
- Coffee
- Tea
- UHT Milk
- Tinned Meat
- Tinned Fish
- Tinned Fruit
- Tinned Rice Pudding
- Tinned Potatoes
- Tinned Vegetables
- Instant Mashed Potatoes
- Cooking Sauces
- Cereals

Time to Connect

We provide a warm space for people to meet friends (during colder months), work or relax on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week from 11am - 2pm.

Free hot drinks, free wifi and phone charging, community library and children's play area.  

Groups and Activities
We run a range of free, fun and inclusive groups including an Art and Craft Class, Community Singing Group, Gardening Group and a weekly Games Session.

On the first Wednesay of each month we run a quiz afternoon.

Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteering can help you gain confidence, make a difference to your community, meet new friends, be part of a community, learn new skills and have fun!

We always have opportunities for people to volunteer with us. Currently we have volunteer opportunities in our café, Day Care Centre and in our administration team.

If you would like further details of volunteering opportunities with us, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator on 01924 211130 or via email on